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Cookie Quote City

Just a bunch of random favorite quotes inserted when heard and felt.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

“Jimmy, when true love is unrequited the entire world is a load of crap. Dylan Thomas, 1987.”
- Bill McNeil (Phil Hartman) NewsRadio

.: posted by Daniel Cook Johnson 9:46 AM

Saturday, May 12, 2007

"I wish the first word I had said when I was born was 'quote'. Then before I die, I could say, 'unquote.'" ...
- Steven Wright

When I said I was going to become a comedian, they all laughed. Well, they're not laughing now!"
- Bob Monkhouse

.: posted by Daniel Cook Johnson 7:48 PM

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

"You win some, you lose some… and then there's that little-known third category."
- Al Gore

.: posted by Daniel Cook Johnson 8:31 PM

Monday, October 25, 2004

"Let's have no more curiousity about this bizzarre cover-up."
- Principle Skinner (Harry Shearer) The Simpsons

.: posted by Daniel Cook Johnson 3:43 PM

Thursday, September 30, 2004

"When you're trapped in your own private hell try to share it with as many people as possible"
- Conan O'Brien

.: posted by Daniel Cook Johnson 10:32 PM

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

"There's nothing worse than a brilliant beginning."
~ Pablo Picasso

"The Internet? That's still around?"
- Homer Simpson

.: posted by Daniel Cook Johnson 3:14 PM

Monday, June 28, 2004

“Recycling is useless. Once the sun burns out this planet is doomed. You’re just making sure we spend our last days using inferior products!”
Bart Simpson

.: posted by Daniel Cook Johnson 10:39 AM